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There are plenty of DOM events and web performance metrics to consider when monitoring your site's user experience. There's Load, the holy Speed Index or web vitals such as LCP (largest contentful paint).

Harry just made a case for considering monitoring DomContentLoad, too! It's a good piece on browser events and how to get your hands on improving web performance.

And while reading it, I discovered another browser event that I probably have known about but left my memory — DomInteractive.

[DomInteractive] is the moment the browser has finished parsing all synchronous DOM work: your HTML and all blocking scripts it encountered on the way. Basically, the browser is now at the </html> tag. The browser is ready to run your deferred JavaScript.

The DomInteractive event can come in handy when evaluating your JS payloads' execution time. But I won't repeat Harry's insights here, so head over to his blog. The post is a nice deep dive!

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About Stefan Judis

Frontend nerd with over ten years of experience, freelance dev, "Today I Learned" blogger, conference speaker, and Open Source maintainer.

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