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The Web Weekly newsletter keeps you up to date, teaches you web development tricks and covers all things working in tech.

Hello everybody!

I hope the year's rolling smoothly for you. I decided to make this newsletter a little bit shorter and more condensed. This change will lead to me saving some time but also enable me to increase the frequency of it. Let me know what you think about that.

Let's dive right in!

Because I never find the right online-tools when I need them, I scratched my own itch and built It is a collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers. Enjoy!

You can add tools, too. ;)

Three excellent articles to read

Three useful projects to try out

This month I learned

This month's DevSheets

The talk of the month

In the talk, Draw the docs, Alicja Raszkowska shared her journey of switching the focus of her daily development job. The talk is interesting because of two things. First, "drawing docs" resulted in a very cool project. And second, Alicja gives great advice on how to get buy-in for your ideas inside of your company.

A quote to think about

When I tweeted that I'm overwhelmed by cutting-edge technology, I found out that a surprising number of people feel the same way. In that spirit, this month's favorite quote comes from Shawn Wang's article Collapsing Layers: Doing Less to Do More.

The future of technology is less layers, not more.

A song that makes you stop coding

Yesterday, I was at a solid 2 hours and 45 minutes concert of the Stereophonics. They even played songs that I used to play when I still played in a band. If you're planning to learn the guitar, too, Have a nice day is an easy-to-play song to get started.

And that's it for the content of January 2020, friends! ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿ‘‹

Have a great February! And if you have any feedback about this newsletter and this more condensed version, please let me know.

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Stefan standing in the park in front of a green background

About Stefan Judis

Frontend nerd with over ten years of experience, freelance dev, "Today I Learned" blogger, conference speaker, and Open Source maintainer.

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