Article components

console.log('Hello world')
// define release years
type releaseYear = '2022' | '2023' | '2024';
// define release months
type releasteMonth = '03' | '07' | '11';
// combine the two types in a template string
type versionNumber = `${releasteMonth}.${releaseYear}`;
const version: versionNumber = "04.2022";
Type '"04.2022"' is not assignable to type '"03.2022" | "03.2023" | "03.2024" | "07.2022" | "07.2023" | "07.2024" | "11.2022" | "11.2023" | "11.2024"'. Did you mean '"03.2022"'?2820Type '"04.2022"' is not assignable to type '"03.2022" | "03.2023" | "03.2024" | "07.2022" | "07.2023" | "07.2024" | "11.2022" | "11.2023" | "11.2024"'. Did you mean '"03.2022"'?
const a = {
joo: 'test'
Property 'foo' does not exist on type '{ joo: string; }'.2339Property 'foo' does not exist on type '{ joo: string; }'.
interface Person {
name: string
interface Person {
age: number
// `Person` is now merged and expects `name` and `age`
const p: Person = {
Property 'name' is missing in type '{ age: number; }' but required in type 'Person'.2741Property 'name' is missing in type '{ age: number; }' but required in type 'Person'.
age: 99
[css-conditional] [css-contain] `srcset` and `sizes` interaction with container queries
una opened it Jan 22 2021
MDN Compat Data (source)
Browser support info for popover