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Here's an interesting UI pattern from GitHub.๐Ÿ‘‡

GitHub repository UI showing the account owner and repo link very close to each other. But when you click it GitHub asks which one you wanted to click.

I'm no big GitHub mobile user, but occasionally, I browse projects while on the go. With the fat finger problem, navigating complex sites can be a pain. And the same goes for GitHub. The account owner and repository home link are super close to each other in the header. Just by looking at them, every mobile user knows that hitting the right target requires surgical tap precision.

What does GitHub do about these tiny and too-close-to-each-other links? Change the design? Obviously not. They change the UI functionality entirely and put the account owner and repository into a button.

The button then opens a modal that asks where you want to go. Smart.

What's a good target size, though?

The freshly released Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) recommend 24 by 24 CSS pixels in the "Target Size" minimal success criterion (AA). For the enhanced one (AAA), it's even 44 by 44 CSS pixels. And when you inspect the GitHub header, neither of the elements passed these requirements.

Link targets in the GitHub UI. None is having the required 24px height.

How many links fulfill these on GitHub? Steve Faulkner has a handy bookmarklet to check for accessible tap targets. It highlights elements too small to be reliably tapped (the blue circles).

GitHub UI with highlighted elements. Green means tap size is big enough. Blue actionable elements are not satisfying 24 by 24px.

Big enough touch elements seem like an obvious check to include in Lighthouse, too. But you won't find tap target checks in the "Accessibility" section. They're checked in the "Mobile friendly" SEO section.

Lighthouse mobile friendly report with some reported issues.

And funnily, the mobile friendly tap target SEO checks evaluate elements for a minimum size of 48 by 48 CSS pixels, which doesn't reflect the WCAG guidelines.

Currently, the tap targets check is implemented in Lighthouse itself, but there are discussions to replace it with Axe's tap target check. This change should align it with the 44 by 44 tap target. Lighthouse includes the Axe library anyway, so this seems like a reasonable apporach.

But I keep thinking that browsers should adopt GitHub's behavior natively. "Hey Stefan, your fat finger hit two targets. Which one did you want to click?" โ€” seems reasonable. I'm game! What do you think?

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About Stefan Judis

Frontend nerd with over ten years of experience, freelance dev, "Today I Learned" blogger, conference speaker, and Open Source maintainer.

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